Information for exchange students
We are delighted, that you are interested in studying at HM in Munich. Below you will find some basic information on studying at the Department of Tourism.
The video of the Tourism building shows the rooms such as the Motel One Lounge, the Hilton Salon, the Steinkogler conference room, the large lecture theatre, project as well as study rooms and more. It will give you a good first impression where you will be studying and learning during your exchange semester.
Our exchange student testimonials
HM International Office and Tourism International Office
Hochschule München (HM) has a central International Office, which takes care of your application, registration and enrolment. It is your initial contact for all administrative questions including accommodation or insurances.
After your successful application, the International Office of the Department of Tourism takes over as your main contact. We accompany you during your entire stay. Here you will get advise on course selection, classes and exams - as well as your learning agreement signed.
Information Sessions for interested students
The Department of Tourism offers information sessions via zoom for students thinking about spending their exchange semester in Munich and at the HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences. Here are the dates for the next virtual meetings (no registration required; Central European Time - please watch out if you are located in UK, Ireland, Finland and Canary Islands):
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, 10:00 am,
Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, 11:30 am
Thursday, February 6th, 2025, 10:00 am
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, 11:30 am
We will give a short presentation about our university and student exchange with us. Afterwards you will be able to ask questions. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Orientation days for HM incoming students
Before the start of every semester there will be an orientation week for all incoming students. You will receive the exact dates for this orientation week together with an information package about your studies at Hochschule München from the central HM International Office.
During these orientation days (which are obligatory) you will receive all the important information about living in Munich and your semester at the Hochschule München and Department of Tourism.
Enrolment also will take place during the orientation. You will receive access to all relevant tools (e.g. moodle, PRIMUSS) which you will use during your HM studies.
At the Department of Tourism, there will also be a welcome and orientation session before lectures start. Attendance is important! We will assist you with registration of classes as well as working out your time table. All questions regarding your learning agreements as well as classes and exams will be answered.
Course selection for incoming students
- ALL your OPTIONS to choose from for your learning agreement (combination possible; however, there might be timetable overlaps; consider travel times between different HM campus):
- Tourism courses taught in German (BA programme Semester 1 to 3) (refer toRund ums Studium for study plan, course descriptions, time table etc.)
- Courses in English (CiE) Overview
- Language Courses (General and Interdisciplinary Studies; Department FK13)
- Certificates Apply for CIE Certificate or International Tourism Management Certificateadditionally to your transcript of records!
IMPORTANT: The (final) registration for classes will take place after your arrival in Munich during the orientation days. The final confirmation of your classes will be during the first days of the lecture period!
- All about Hochschule München (HM) (14 departments, 80 programmes, 3 locations)
- Academic Calendar (Semester dates)
- Information for exchange students (application incl. explanatory video, language requirements, deadlines, course selection etc.)
- All about exams (how to register, how to get the results etc.)
- IT Services (all IT tools and instructions)
- International Tourism Management CertificateITMC